After You Hung Up, the Lord said He Loved You

Right now, my personal prayer list includes a friend with a recently diagnosed life changing major illness, a girl friend who can’t leave her house because of the needs of her mother, two teenage friends who had car accidents this week, a colleague who can’t pay their...

The Period

Not long ago, I heard some thoughts at church that impacted me greatly. The speaker has a strong background in the languages of the Bible. She brought our attention to the punctuation in a very well known passage of scripture. It is the story in John 11 where Lazarus...


Recently I have detected a bit of weariness in my spirit. Not depression or even really discouragement, but just some stress and strains that make my soul feel “heavy.” And so, I have spent some time dissecting Matthew 11:29-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and...

Consumed by Our Own Lust

I am ashamed to admit it, but I frequently look for ways to avoid responsibility for the shortcomings and sin in my life. So I was intrigued this week when I saw an article in an old edition of the Discover magazine (September 2009) entitled: “I Didn’t Sin…It...

Avoiding the Sirens

Temptation comes in many forms. It’s almost as if Satan and his gang meet weekly and personally manufacture just the right “trip ups” for each of us. Of course the real issue is how we deal with the inevitable traps laid for us. Thinking of how to deal with temptation...

“Je Suis Donkey”

In staff devotions last week, we had a discussion about the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. You may remember that Jesus was coming into town riding on a donkey. (John 12:12-19) We celebrate that “Hosanna” event on Palm Sunday. That scripture refers to the Old...