You Know You Are a Narniac When_

I am a huge C. S. Lewis fan. My first encounter was through Mere Christianity; and then I “chewed” my way through The Screwtape Letters, Miracles and all the others. I think the only works I have not read are his science fiction trilogy. But my favorite...

Sanctification From a Vending Machine

We definitely live in a world of instant gratification. We expect our needs (and most of our wants) to be satisfied immediately. No more wanting for anything, including food choices. The microwave oven sure helped us along that path, but now there are any number of...

An Astronaut on Strike Had the Right Idea

The astronaut William Reid Pogue died recently. Born in Oklahoma, he served as an Air Force pilot during the Korean War and then joined the Apollo project in 1966. He was a member of the astronaut support crew for the Apollo 7, 11, and 14 missions. In 1973, he was...

Beacause I Said I Would

Garth Callaghan has been writing his daughter Emma notes on napkins for years. They are simple messages that just allow dad and daughter to have a connecting moment in the middle of the day. But Garth has been diagnosed with kidney cancer and he is not sure how long...

A Woman Looks in the Mirror

I was rummaging through an old file and came across this note. Sure made me chuckle…. “Age 3: Looks at herself and sees a Queen! Age 8: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. Age 15: Looks at herself and sees herself as...

We Dance Till It Rains

According to the book The Traveler’s Gift and a companion book by Andy Andrews called Mastering the Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success, there are seven big time choices that you and I can make that will greatly impact the course of our lives. One of...