Can’t Wait to Go Home

My life is in a bit of “flex.” My house of 16 plus years has been sold, my new home isn’t built yet and I am headed to an apartment for 12 weeks or so. So, I got to thinking about where my home is. In my childhood, Dad used to say that home is where...

Personality Types

A study last fall out of Britain determined that a person’s favorite way of eating eggs can predict their personality type. The study used a process known as data mining to uncover a statistical relationship between a person’s character, lifestyle and...

Rewards are Coming

One of my favorite Christian authors is Randy Alcorn. His ministry is called Eternal Perspective Ministries and they are headquartered in Oregon. Randy is a prolific author. He has some great fiction, I highly recommend Safely Home. And his work in heaven is a...

Getting Older

For the last year or so, I have been giving a great deal of thought to the next third of my life. I am 63 and trying to think through what the Lord would have me to be doing throughout the last “season.” According to current estimates, my life expectancy...


Maurice Griffin is a 32 year old California man and he was adopted last Friday by his long lost foster mother. He has quite a story to tell… It seems that back in the 1980’s he was in an orphanage in the Sacramento area. Lisa Godbold and her husband felt...

It is Paid

Every now and again, a serendipity moment occurs that changes the course of your whole day. One of those moments happened a month or so ago to a dear friend of mine. She was in the drive through line at McDonald’s, waiting to pay (I won’t mention that she...