Greet Each Other with a Holy Kiss (Electronically!)

I own an iPhone and an iPad. I routinely use a lap top and check my email 20 plus times a day. I write a weekly blog. I can quickly search the internet, text using more than two fingers, take and send pictures, make videos and laugh at the stuff on YouTube. In some...

Space, the Great Perspective Giver

What do you know about space? I found a bunch of cool information in the “Handy Science Answer Book.” For example, do you know which planets are visible with the naked eye? (Answer: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.) Did you know that the earth...

Protecting Our Kids – At Home!

I am confident that if a foul mouthed, intruder broke into your home and began to demonstrate before your children a wide variety of sexually perverted acts while spewing an uninterrupted diatribe of ungodly suggestions, you would throw him out! So, why are we not...