by sworel | May 30, 2011 | 2011, Musings
In case you missed it, the TV show, American Idol is immensely popular. I read that the final performances of Scotty and Lauren (aren’t you impressed that I know their names?) drew about 20 million viewers. And those viewers made some significant choices-122...
by sworel | May 23, 2011 | 2011, Musings
Last week I had reason to be in down town Los Angeles. I mean, down town! If you know the area, I was doing laps around MacArthur Park looking for a coffee shop. Since I have lived in suburbia for the last 45 years or so, my eyes are always widened a bit when I visit...
by sworel | May 16, 2011 | 2011, Musings
I saw an article in the LA Times this week that caused me to do some serious thinking. It was a report from Salem, Oregon about thousands of unclaimed remains of mental patients and others who lived in a state hospital. The article began,”the two copper...
by sworel | May 9, 2011 | 2011, Musings
As I write these words, it is the 400th anniversary of the publishing of the most significant book ever translated! It is the birthday of the King James Version of the Bible. In 1604, the English King James I was faced with a major controversy. The theological dispute...
by sworel | May 2, 2011 | 2011, Musings
Steve Sabol is the founder and president of a company called, “NFL Films.” He is a well known sports executive who is battling a brain tumor. A recent article on his struggle had this headline, “Steve Sabol: Nothing in heaven can duplicate his...
by sworel | Apr 25, 2011 | 2011, Musings
Two headlines caught my eye this week. One said, “Freeze Tag, Wiffle Ball Deemed Dangerous in New Summer Camp Regs” (NBC New York). And the other asked, “Are Kids Today Having a Childhood They’ll Remember?” (USA Today) As part of an...
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