Speak the Truth in Love

I read a very funny story the other day. It seems an elderly Mississippi grandma was called as a witness in a trial. The prosecuting attorney approached her on the stand and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know me?” She responded, “Why yes, I do know your...


In mid-December, the Silicon Alley Insider (www.businessinsider.com) published a list of 21 things that became obsolete this past decade. Take a second to see if you can guess a few of them… Many of those things had to do with telephones. Home land lines, public...

Comparing Ourselves

Everyone wants to be the best at something, or at least we want to be SEEN as the best at something. Truth be known, most of us want to be at the top of the heap in just about everything. To help substantiate that effort, we tend to compare ourselves to others. But we...


I was teaching a Bible study this past week on the topic of sexual immorality. Specifically, we were looking at I Corinthians 5:1-13. In order to help folks make practical application of the material, I had reason to do some investigation into the pervasiveness of...

Dealing with Disapointment

Every now and again something occurs in the world of sports that speaks volumes to the rest of society. It happened again on January 7th at the BCS College Football Championship game between the Universities of Alabama and Texas. There were many stars on the field...


I don’t like flying, but I do it all the time. Tight spaces will get my attention. I’m not fond of heights, but last weekend I stayed in a hotel’s corner room on the 27th floor. Admittedly, I hugged the inside walls, but I did stay there. Most of us...