Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
A Moment of Repentance
All around us marriages are dissolving, friendships are falling apart, businesses are closing and ministries are ending. There are all kinds of reasons for such a society-wide moment of dysfunction....
Four Ways God Answers Prayer
Somewhere towards the end of his life, David inserted Psalm 61 into his “song book.” In addition to the words, he included some notes for the director and gave some direction to the stringed...
A Visit with God in the Park
There is a cool story about a little boy who wanted to meet God. Apparently, he knew that God lived a long way away, so he packed his suitcase with cookies and some root beer and took off. After...
Prayer and Curse Tablets
As you read this musing, I will most likely be touring around England (hopefully on the correct side of the road). I do enjoy reading things from English history and so I paid particular attention...
The Importance of Music
I have zero musical talent and offer two personal stories as proof. As my 8th grade year drew to a close, our Catholic school did a special mass presentation. As the nun began our preparation, she...
Our Pastor is a Taxi Cab Driver
Sadly, Christianity in the U.S. has a pretty poor reputation and might be typified as rather “soft.” We have earned that reputation and reinforce it routinely as we sit on soft chairs in our...
Bus Billboard
I just got back from an extended trip to England, Scotland and Ireland. And as the Irish would say, “It was grand!” And I came away with a number of spiritual observations. The most...
Spiritual Scaffolding
On my recent trip to Great Britain, I noticed that London was filled with huge cranes. High rise buildings were under construction everywhere! And around each of those structures was a labyrinth of...
Learning to Trust
There are lots of stories in the Bible that teach us to live by faith. Over and over again, we see examples of real people trusting God to work on their behalf. Consider Abraham as he trekked...
Just Show Up
In the last few weeks, I have had personal contact with several families dealing with their precious loved ones who suffer from some sort of mental illness. For most of my life, people just did not...