Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Our Best Year Yet
If you read the front page of the newspaper (or more likely, the lead article in your news feed), you will become convinced that 2019 may be one of the worst years in a long time. Recession talk...
Choosing the Scene of our own Martyrdom
Like most people, I prefer things to be predictable, orderly, well thought out in advance and well communicated. I am the same way when it comes to spiritual challenges. I know that God is...
Most Significant Purchase
What is the most significant acquisition you have ever made? Has any purchase fundamentally change in your life? Well, I have a story to share. Back in the summer of 1969 (sounds like the lyrics to...
A “Get Back Coach”
Like most everyone else from California, I am rooting for the LA Rams in the Super Bowl this year. The sports news is filled with details about their preparation for the big game. I was particularly...
Skimming Through Scripture
I am a skimmer by nature. I am all about getting to the goal at hand, the quicker the better. And boy does it get me in trouble from time to time. Twice this past week, I skimmed through some...
Betsie and the Fleas
Recently, I was teaching some students about Corrie Ten Boom (the Dutch woman who survived the concentration camp at Ravensbruck and had an amazing ministry afterwards). While researching some...
Parenting Out of Fear
This week I had the opportunity to speak to a room full of millennial moms. I started my talk this way... “Once upon a time, in a land right around the corner lived a whole community filled with...
Brenda Jones is a 69 year-old great-grandmother from Texas. She spent over a year on the donor wait list hoping for a new liver. And then the wonderful phone call came; they had a viable liver for...
For Thine is the Power
I just finished teaching a series on the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6/Luke 11). My last lesson featured the words of the doxology that finishes off that section of scripture: “For thine is the kingdom...
Pack for the Journey
Every day when you and I head out the door of our room, apartment or house we take with us whatever we think we will need for the day. We might carry things in a purse, a briefcase, a satchel or...
Oriented Times Three
When emergency personnel want to quickly evaluate the mental condition of someone struggling, they do a quick assessment called “Oriented Times Three.” They ask the person a series of easy...
The Marks of Jesus
Years ago, I read about a child who was disfigured. He had a huge red mark splattered across his face. But he wasn’t challenged by it at all. In fact, he wore it as a badge of honor. You see,...