Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Dealing With Opposition and Discouragement
Recently, I have been teaching a series on leadership insights that can be gained from the book of Nehemiah. And right in the middle of the exciting part (the rebuilding of the wall), Nehemiah faces...
Real Freedom
This week our country celebrates our Declaration of Independence, the birth of the United States of America. But actually, the declaration was declared two days earlier on the second of July. On the...
The Value of Walls
The scripture tells us that there were three groups of Jews who returned from exile in Babylon. Zerubbabel led the first and largest group (about 49,000) in 539-537 BC. He was focused on rebuilding...
Our Calling
A few months ago, a Southwest pilot, Tammie Jo Shults heroically landed flight #1380 in Philadelphia after a midflight engine failure. This 56-year-old Texan mother worked with her co-pilot and...
Summer Prayer Time
I know it is the middle of the summer and our kids are in full scale ‘lazy mode.’ But lots of them still need to be chauffeured everywhere and that means many of us are spending tons of time in a...
Children Are Our Heritage
Summer is a time for splashing around in some water. And I recently read about a mama duck doing just that on a lake in Minnesota. It seems that she and her family were making quite a racket as then...
Getting our Teens to Hang around Home
Apparently in the Australian outback, ranchers have two strategies for dealing with wandering cattle. Some build miles and miles of high, tight fences to ensure that the cows stay in and the wolves...
Dealing with Disappointments
Years ago I attended a seminar called “Basic Youth Conflicts,” and it changed my life. I was so young in my faith, so rough around the spiritual edges that I needed a totally new way of thinking...
They Matter!
On the news the other night, they had a report about an autistic young man who had a remarkable experience in a grocery store. As his family did their shopping, the teenager became fascinated with a...