Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
We Often Forget Preaching (But, We Rarely Forget Great Examples)
In my illustration book, I have a story that was retold by Alice Gray. It seems that a young man named Bill dropped by church one Sunday morning. He had wild hair, wore a torn t-shirt and no shoes....
Be an Encourager
Yesterday was Easter Sunday. That day is so very theologically significant. If ever there was a message of encouragement, it is the story of the risen Savior. He rose from the grave victorious and...
What’s Enough?
I just finished teaching a six-week series in Bible study on the topic of having margins in our lives. I worked my way through Richard Swenson’s book, Margins. The later part of that study had a...
Let’s Be Investors, Not Just Donors
It’s tax time and as part of that process I gather all my giving statements and review my donations to my favorite Christian organizations. It’s a time to reflect on my involvement and the level of...
Gracefully Broken
In church last Sunday, we started our worship time with a song that was new to me. It was Matt Redman’s “Gracefully Broken.” The entire song is incredibly powerful, but the chorus has been...
Wrong Yoke, Wrong Field, Wrong Master
What should we do when we fall prey to some self-induced pressure and stress? I asked myself that question recently and was drawn to that well known passage in Matthew 11: “Come to me, all you who...
Today, We Sailed On
On the second Monday of October, we celebrate Columbus Day. Everyone can recite the ditty: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” But did you know that he actually made four separate trips to...
Goodness Will Follow Me
For the last few weeks, I have been teaching through the most beloved Psalm of all time, Psalm 23. That song ends with the statement that “Surely GOODNESS and mercy will follow me all the days of...
The Gebirah
A few days ago was Mother’s Day and appropriately most of us heard a Bible lesson that day on the incredible value of our mothers. There is no doubt that God had a special role for them to play in...
The Nature of God
I read an illustration recently about the very nature of God. Not sure I can substantiate its veracity, but sure makes for a cool thought. It seems that a 4-year old named Shea had a baby brother...
Calling Him Father
Randy Alcorn’s Eternal Perspective Ministries recently published an article chronicling an Iranian woman’s journey of faith. It was entitled, “I Couldn’t Call God Father.” I think it is worth...
How to be Happy
Currently, the most popular course at Yale University is called PSYC 157: Psychology and the Good Life and it teaches students how to be happy. It is a response to the fact that we live in a world...