Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
No doubt we can all vividly remember exactly what we were doing years ago on that difficult September 11th. And if we are old enough, chances are we can also remember exactly where we were and what...
Blessed Bubble
Recently, I have been having some lingering significant pulmonary issues. So last week, I had to spend seven hours in our local emergency room. While I was there, the doctors ruled out all kinds of...
Confessing Sin
This last week I had the opportunity to speak at a local church’s women’s group. Out of all the things I might have addressed, I got assigned SIN! More specifically, I was asked to speak on I John...
Secure Your Own Mask First
I am certain that we have all heard this announcement as we settled in for a flight. The script goes like this: Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of loss of cabin...
Grieve, But Do Not Despair
After the events in Las Vegas, all our hearts are filled with sorrow and grief. We mourn for those who lost loved ones, for those who were physically injured and for all those who will carry the...
Let It Go (for your sake)
I am teaching through the New Testament book of Philemon, and that short book of only 25 verses tells the story about a rich man (Philemon) who had a slave steal from him. It seems that the slave...
Hidden Fears
Everyone is afraid of something. Some of our trepidations are minor in nature. For example, most of us don’t like mice scurrying around under our feet or trips to the dentist. Some fears are...
An Early Christmas Thought
The unthinkable happened the other day. I saw Christmas decorations and holiday gifts out on display. And it is not even Halloween! But instead of complaining to the store manager, I decided to use...
Benefits from a Friend
What can we all expect from a true friend? Well, the apostle Paul commented to his friend, Philemon that he anticipated, expected something out of their friendship. In Philemon verse 20 he said: “I...
Hallelujah During Thanksgiving Week
I can still remember the moment when I first translated the Hebrew term for “praise the Lord.” It was late at night and I was working hard to get through Seminary. My Hebrew class was killing...
The Diet of Worms
In the age of fad diets, I thought I might focus our attention this week on the Diet of Worms. No, I am not talking about ingesting some wiggling fish bait. Actually, I am referring to an official...
Hark!-A Christmas Carol
We are entering the season of Christmas and those wonderful old hymns are all around us. You have to grin a bit when you realize that our very secular world is playing Christ honoring music. ...