Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
Don’t Just Say Something Encouraging, Do Something!
I have been blessed with a lot of good training in my Christian life. I have been mentored by some of the best “encouragers” in the world. And one of the primary lessons I have been taught had to do...
Our Heavenly Father is Listening
When placed on hold, on the telephone, I often hear a common refrain, “this call may be recorded for quality assurance.” Now I am not sure what kind of quality assurance is required from a doctor’s...
The Quality of our Words
No one reading this article will be shocked to learn that women talk more than men. But I was curious about any research that might offer some definitive support for that widely held opinion....
What to Ask for
Please forgive a moment of personal reflection...the past four months have been some of the most challenging of my entire life. My struggles to recuperate from my 5th knee replacement have been...
Forgetting What is Behind
I am convinced that one of the top 5 mistakes modern Christians make is the constant focus on our past. The apostle Paul must have thought it was a big deal too. In the book of Philippians, he...
Whining and Grumbling
Social media today is awash with whining, grumbling and complaining. So much so that a friend recently was begging her online friends to go back to posting boring pictures of meals or feet in the...
Give Me that Hill Country
Last week Adele Dunlap, the oldest American resident (she was 114 in December) died. About the same time, I read an article about an English gerontologist, Aubrey de Grey who published a scientific...
Nothing is Too Hard for God
There is an amazing object lesson tucked into the book of Jeremiah that is very pertinent to today’s tumultuous culture. Let me share the historical context. Judah (the two tribes in the southern...
Spiritual “Check Engine Lights”
A team of scientists from Stanford University is focused on taking fitness trackers up a notch. They are researching the use of wearable sensors that could be personalized to sense a person’s heart...
Keep Your Friends Close and Your “Enemies” Closer
Stop by any family restaurant on a school night and you’ll be able to see a classic exchange (actually the lack thereof) between parents and teenagers. Buried behind that diminutive phone screen are...
Our Most Frequent Sin
Pastor John MacArthur once said, “Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God. And yet, it is a sin that Christians commit perhaps more frequently than any other.” We know it...
The Right Hand
Apparently a mix of genetic and environmental factors determines whether we are right or left handed. The majority of Americans are right handed, but 15% are left-handed. According to a study done...