Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
A Big Party is Coming
We are just finishing the Christmas season with all its festive, gala events. No doubt all of us have attended a few. There is nothing quite like a great party shared with dear friends. But I got to...
Everybody occasionally needs some help with directions; a current map, a good GPS devise, a friend sharing directions or maybe some giant arrows would all be helpful. I recently heard about some...
Mamas, Keep Raising Gentlemen
This last week I spent some extended time up at a science camp with a bunch of sixth graders. The program is fabulous and the mountain setting was great. But the very best part was the opportunity...
Growing in Gratitude
Not sure who originally said it, but it’s true: if you ain’t growing, you’re dying. And that sentiment applies to growing in gratitude as well. It’s just too easy to slide into a mindset of...
Measure Twice, Cut Once
If you have ever done any home repair jobs, tinkered with a wood working project, made anything from a pattern, you know the expression “measure twice, cut once.” It is an injunction to be careful...
Employee Reviews
I have been involved in preparing some employee reviews lately. These are serious responsibilities of supervisors everywhere. But I found an old article that was taken from some actual Federal...
Serenity Prayer
Everyone has probably heard the ‘Serenity Prayer” that is used in many of the well known 12 step programs. It says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to...
Stephen, Please Call Your Mom
Recently, some handmade cardboard signs have been popping up around the train station in San Juan Capistrano. They very simply say “Stephen, please call your mom.” Now I have no idea who Stephen is,...
Packing our Coffins
Apparently, when early missionaries were sent to Africa, many of them packed and shipped all their belongings and supplies in a coffin. At the end of their lives, those same coffins were used for...
Let’s Revive a Dirty Word
Years ago, my goddaughter came home and declared that the kids at school were using the “S” word. Since I am the superintendent of that school, I got the hackles up on the back of my neck and...