Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
He Makes Us Recover
In the world of exercise, after each intensive set of pushing or pulling, there is something called a rest period. Experts suggest that there be time of 30 seconds to maybe 3 minutes after the...
Unsung Heroes
Every Christmas season I love to go hear Handel’s Messiah; the bigger the orchestra and choir the better. While seating in an auditorium this year, I began to think about the relationship between...
True Gentlemen (and Gentlewomen) Needed
Tis the season to be run over, “Fa La La La!” Like everyone else, these days I am spending a fair amount of time in a variety of stores. Regardless of what they are shopping for, people are coming...
Doing Life Together
It is fun during the holidays to see all the group photos that make their way onto social media and adorn various Christmas cards. The groups that are not all family members usually have a caption...