Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
The Year of “Shalom”
I am suggesting that we all declare 2015 the year of Shalom. I got the idea from Jon Wallace, the President of Azusa Pacific University. This fall, he led the APU community into an intentional...
The Dog Ate It
Being a school administrator, I thought I had heard all the classic “The Dog Ate It” stories. But not too long ago I saw a brief article that told of a 3 year old Great Dane that was hospitalized in...
I am Not Afraid
Like everyone else, I have been closely following the recent events in France. Seeing that extremely large crowd marching in solidarity was powerful. But the most moving visual element was the sign...
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
In my Bible study last week, I was teaching on I Samuel 17 and the story of David and Goliath. Although everyone is generally aware of the story line, I enjoyed pointing out some details. For...
The art of comparing ourselves with others starts very young. Walk into any Kindergarten class and ask, “Who is the best reader?” They will tell you. Ask a group of kids on a playground, “Who is the...
Our Legacy
Years ago, life coaches and other personal consultants used to talk a lot about the stages of our lives. They highlighted the fact that after the drive for success that consumes most of our earning...
Unconditional Love: “Dvu”
This week, I just had to share a remarkable story that came from a Wycliffe Missionary…”God's love story is now available to 29,000 Hdi speakers of Cameroon through the recently published Hdi New...
Title or Testimony
Earlier this week, someone humorously referred to me as the “Grand Poobah” of Stoneybrooke. Among my official and unofficial titles, that one has to be one of the funniest! But, we all have titles:...
Investing in Others
A week or two ago, I had a forthright conversation with a financial advisor. With retirement in mind, we were consumed with looking at the dollars saved, rates of return, fees associated with the...
“Je Suis Donkey”
In staff devotions last week, we had a discussion about the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. You may remember that Jesus was coming into town riding on a donkey. (John 12:12-19) We celebrate that...
Avoiding the Sirens
Temptation comes in many forms. It’s almost as if Satan and his gang meet weekly and personally manufacture just the right “trip ups” for each of us. Of course the real issue is how we deal with the...