Monday Musings
2008 – 2020
You can browse my most recent posts below or select a year from the archives at right.
A Fresh Look at Resolutions
Benjamin Franklin and Jonathon Edwards are two well known figures in American history. And, although their spiritual perspectives were widely divergent, they have something very interesting in...
Handling the Anacondas of Our Lives
I have been reviewing a book recently that I read many years ago. It is called, Raising Kids to Love Jesus by Norman Wright and Gary Oliver. I have been focused on the chapter entitled, "The Battle...
Doomsday Clock
According to The Washington Post, the "Doomsday Clock" (carried out by the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists") has been reset and we are all marching more quickly towards some kind of a worldwide...
Leave the Worries to Your Father
I confess that I like country music (or least some of it). I heard a song the other day that definitely made me think of my father. It is called "Made in America" (Toby Keith). It extols the virtue...
There are No Perfect Parents
Parenting is a very tough gig. No matter how hard we might try, we all make mistakes along the way. Every parent has lost their temper or made a snap decision they later regret. The sheer number of...
Middle Finger Obscenity
Last weekend during half-time at the Super Bowl, a British entertainer named, M.I.A, extended her middle finger as an offensive gesture. The star of the program, Madonna is reportedly furious that...
Another Good Role Model
Since I spend my days working with students and their families, I am always excited when I come across a good, Godly role model for kids. It seems it is especially difficult to find young women who...
The Two AM Crowd
A few weeks ago, Time magazine had an article in its science section entitled, "Friends with Benefits." The contention of the article was that human beings are not the only ones who are capable of...
Permanent Address
A few weeks ago, my god daughter received a traffic ticket. Although she lives in her own apartment 30 minutes away from me and her grandmother (we own a home together), I knew this important piece...
Sign Your Work
I was up in Sacramento with 70 fourth graders last week. And it was a wonderful trip. We visited Sutter's Fort, Coloma, Old Sacramento, the railroad museum and of course the capital. In front of the...