
Aslan is on the Move

by | Sep 15, 2024 | 2024, Musings | 0 comments

Years ago, I had the opportunity to speak in Kenya and when all the work was over, we had a chance to go on a safari in Masa Mari. It was amazing. That first day, we spent the better part of the morning driving around literally bumping into all manner of animals. The giraffes were huge. The elephants were scary. The hyenas made horrible sounds as they crunched the bones of their prey.

But the highlight happened accidentally. Our jeep came around a corner of scruffy bushes and there laid a magnificent lion. His mane was gorgeous. He wasn’t eating or sleeping, he was just chillin. We sat and watched him for 15 minutes or so and then his mate showed up. What a treat to watch them just cuddle in the sun, all the while knowing how powerful an animal they are.

It is interesting that our Bible depicts Jesus Christ as a lion. My favorite glimpse at that lion takes place in John chapter 5. A mighty angel sees God on His throne with a scroll in His hand. It has the list of judgments that need to be enacted upon our sinful world. But no one is worthy to open it. Suddenly the Apostle John hears a voice say, “Do not weep. See the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll…”

CS Lewis writes about that lion in The Chronicles of Narnia. And the best phrase about Him comes early in volume 2, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when Mr. Beaver declares that Aslan (the Turkish word for Lion) is on the move. Aslan was on the move in Narnia, lovingly dealing with Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy and condemning the wicked Queen Jadis.

Think about that phrase, ASLAN IS ON THE MOVE. The Lion, the magnificent Son of God is on the move in your life and mine. He is not a watchmaker that puts together a time piece, starts it ticking and then walks away. He is an ever-present Savior who is always on the move, seeking to love and care for His children. We cannot escape His presence (Ps. 139:7-10). He will NEVER abandon us (Deut. 31:8).

And the last verse in Ps. 23 reminds us that “… goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives.” The term “will follow” could be translated more accurately “will pursue us” or “will chase after us.”

ASLAN IS ON THE MOVE! He is pursuing us! The Lion, the great Lion has triumphed over sin and chooses to pursue you and I with goodness and mercy.

That’s great news to start a new week with!!

(By the by, The Chronicles of Narnia are a great read. Get a copy and read them with your family.)



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