September 8, 2008
Laughter (a merry heart) does good like medicine! (Prov. 17:22)
Have you had a good laugh lately? I am talking about a real, tummy jiggling crack up? I hope so, because it is good for you!
Wikipedia says that laughter “is an audible expression, or appearance of merriment or happiness or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure.” Physiologically, laughter is a rhythmic, vocalized, expiratory and involuntary action. When you laugh, some 15 different facial muscles contract and your epiglottis half closes your larynx making you gasp for air. This lack of air may cause your face to turn red or purple and tears may flow.
All this happens as we giggle or guffaw our way around in life. And it is a good thing!
Doctors tell us that endorphins are released when we laugh. Endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. They are the body’s own natural pain medication. They produce a kind of analgesia and a sense of well being. The bottom line is laughing makes us feel better and it is good for us!
So why don’t we laugh more? Truth is a baby starts to giggle just a few weeks after birth. By the time they are 4 months old they are laughing once an hour. By the time they are 4 years old, they are laughing on average every four minutes. And those cute pre-schoolers are happier and healthier than you and I! All because they have learned to delight in life and laugh a lot!
I am encouraging you today to stop and “smell the roses” a bit. Take time to delight in the little merriments all around you. Listen to the silly sounds of life your children make and smile. Chuckle at the antics of the drivers around you on the road. Grin at the funny things your dog does. Rent an old fashion funny movie and laugh out loud with your family.
Psalm 126:2 reminds us that laughter is the sign that our hearts are full of joy. And all of us should express our joy as we remember how the Lord has blessed us.
“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, The Lord has done some great things for them.”
Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Norma Lee
Norma Lee who?
Normally I don’t do jokes, but today we all need to laugh!!!
Warmest regards in Christ,
Sherry L. Worel
Stoneybrooke Christian Schools